Wilson’s Disease treatment in Madhapur: Is Your Body Storing Copper Like a Time Bomb?

What if a silent, genetic glitch was slowly poisoning your liver and brain without you even knowing? Wilson’s Disease is a rare but deadly disorder where excess copper builds up in the body, damaging the liver, brain, eyes, and even mental health. Often misdiagnosed, it can go undetected for years—until it's too late. So, Wilson’s Disease treatment in Madhapur is critical. Could you or someone you know be living with this hidden threat? Know in detail with the help of the best gastroenterologist in Madhapur, Dr. Kavya Dendukuri.

Know this Shocking Fact: Most Wilson’s Disease patients don’t even know they have it until serious liver damage or neurological symptoms appear! See how deadly it can be!

What is Wilson’s Disease? Why is it important to have the best Wilson’s Disease treatment in Madhapur?

Wilson’s Disease is a genetic disorder that prevents the body from properly eliminating excess copper. Normally, the liver filters out copper and removes it through bile. But in Wilson’s Disease, copper builds up dangerously in the liver, brain, kidneys, and eyes, causing irreversible damage if left untreated. Such a deadly disease needs proper intervention and Wilson’s Disease treatment in Madhapur by the the best lady hepatologist in India, Dr. Kavya Dendukuri.

It’s inherited! A person must receive the faulty gene from both parents to develop the disease.

Symptoms of Wilson’s Disease: See, It’s More Than Just the Liver!

Wilson’s Disease can manifest as liver damage in some, brain-related symptoms in others, or both. Symptoms typically start between ages 5-35 but can appear at any age.

Liver Symptoms (Often in Teens & Young Adults):

  • Fatigue & weakness
  • Unexplained jaundice (yellowing of skin & eyes)
  • Swelling in legs & abdomen (ascites)
  • Easy bruising & internal bleeding
  • Liver failure (if undiagnosed)

Neurological & Mental Symptoms (Often in Adults):

  • Uncontrollable movements (tremors, muscle stiffness, difficulty walking)
  • Slurred speech & difficulty swallowing
  • Personality changes, depression, mood swings
  • Memory loss & difficulty concentrating (Wilson’s affects the brain like Parkinson’s!)

Eye Symptoms (The Famous “Copper Ring”):

Kayser-Fleischer Rings – A golden-brown ring in the eyes caused by copper deposits (visible in 90% of cases)

Did You Know? Wilson’s Disease can mimic hepatitis, cirrhosis, schizophrenia, or even Parkinson’s disease, making diagnosis difficult.

Suffering with any of these symptoms then you need the best lady hepatologist in India, Dr. Kavya Dendurkuri.

How is Wilson’s Disease Diagnosed?

Early detection is the key to survival! If left untreated, Wilson’s Disease can be fatal.

  • Serum Ceruloplasmin Test – Low levels indicate Wilson’s Disease
  • 24-Hour Urine Copper Test – High copper levels confirm the disorder
  • Liver Biopsy – Checks for excessive copper buildup
  • Genetic Testing – Identifies ATP7B gene mutation
  • Slit-Lamp Eye Exam – Detects Kayser-Fleischer rings

Most Wilson’s Disease patients are diagnosed too late—when permanent liver or brain damage has already begun. You need Wilson’s Disease specialist in Madhapur, none other than, Dr. Kavya Dendukuri.

Treatment for Wilson’s Disease: Copper Control for Life!

Wilson’s Disease is not curable but 100% treatable if detected early. Timely treatment can help patients live a normal, healthy life.

  • Copper-Chelating Medications (Lifelong Treatment!)
  • Strict Copper-Controlled Diet:
    • Avoid High-Copper Foods: Nuts, shellfish, chocolates, mushrooms, liver, dried fruits, organ meats
    • Eat Copper-Safe Foods: Milk, eggs, rice, potatoes, chicken, fish (except shellfish)
    • Drink Copper-Free Water: Use a copper-free water filter

Liver Transplant (For Severe Cases) If diagnosed too late, a liver transplant may be the only life-saving option. So be sure to get support and help not just from the Wilson’s Disease specialist in Madhapur, but also the best lady hepatologist in India, Dr. Kavya Dendukuri, at her Gastro & Liver Care Clinic in Gachibowli.

Why Early Diagnosis by the Wilson’s Disease specialist in Madhapur and the best lady hepatologist in India is LIFE-SAVING!

Without treatment, Wilson’s Disease is fatal. It can lead to complete liver failure, irreversible brain damage, and death. With proper medication & diet, patients can live a full, normal lifespan.

Think you or a loved one may have Wilson’s Disease? Get tested IMMEDIATELY by the Wilson’s Disease specialist in Madhapur!

Early detection = Life saved. Don’t let this silent killer go unnoticed. Seek Wilson’s Disease treatment in Madhapur by an expert and get the best diagnosis and treatment today!

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